The Looking Glass

Today was a tough day deciding where to eat. After changing our minds a dozen times, (damn coupon book pages), J and I  decided to eat at “The Looking Glass” in Clarksville, Tn. It was not the smartest move of the day.
Although, this quaint, hole in the wall, dive was decked out in high-style,  There just seemed to be something lacking.
The order for the day was: Homemade Vanilla Creme soda, Potato soup, Fettuccine Alfredo, Sweet Potato fries and a cucumber salad.
The drinks arrived in high champagne glasses. Full of ice and covered with a whipped topping and strawberry drizzle. With the design of the glass and the amount of ice and cream there were but5 drinks to be had.  As the soup arrived in its unusually small bowl, it had a yellow/orange tint to it.  J said she could taste a hint of mustard.  We ate it down and was pleased with it for the most part. The pasta followed close behind. It smelled good and looked very pleasing but with the first bite you could feel your arteries starting to clog with the amount of butter that was clearly in the dish! There was no taste of garlic at all and the slabs of sliced chicken were hidden under the noodles to conceal what looked like thick slices of chicken lunch meat. The cucumber salad was nothing more that cucumbers with watered down ranch dressing and I never made it to the Sweet Potato fries. Half way through, J started feeling not so well in the tummy from the meal as I am sure the butter and the watered ranch were having their own territory battle, seeing how they never did mix well! :)
The waitress offered dessert, and as much as I LOVE desserts, I was afraid that it truly WAS possible to make a meal worse! So we passed and paid our {not worth the price} bill. Walking out we were trying to decide if maybe it was the changing of the cooks or it truly was not good food. All in all, we thought we would give it another try….. after a month of recovery of course!

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